• Bio Oil 125ml

    125 ml

    The Bio-Oil formulation is a combination of plant extracts and vitamins suspended in an oil base; It contains vitamin A, vitamin E, calendula oil, lavender oil, rosemary oil, chamomile oil and purcellin oil, which changes the formulation’s overall consistency, making it light and non-greasy
    Bio-Oil gets easily absorbed into the skin
    Bio-Oil is a specialist skincare oil that helps improve the appearance of scars, stretch marks and uneven skin tone
    Boil oil skin care specialist is also recommended for ageing skin and dehydrated skin
    Bio-Oil has won 349 skincare awards and has become the number 1 selling scar and stretch mark product in 24 countries since its global launch in 2002
    Ideal for all skin types

    Bio-Oil is a specialist Skincare product that is recommended to help improve the appearance of scars, stretch marks and uneven Skin tone. It is also recommended for ageing and dehydrated Skin. It contains the breakthrough ingredient, PurCellin Oil™, which changes the formulation’s overall consistency, making it light and non-greasy. This ensures that the goodness contained in the vitamins and plant extracts is easily absorbed. Bio-Oil is hypoallergenic, non-acnegenic and suitable for all Skin types. It is formulated for use on the face and body. Bio Oil has won 167 Skincare awards and has become the No.1 selling scar and stretch mark product in 17 countries since its global launch in 2002. For more information, visit

    Bio Oil 125ml

  • Bio Oil 200ml

    200 ml

    The Bio-Oil formulation is a combination of plant extracts and vitamins suspended in an oil base; It contains vitamin A, vitamin E, calendula oil, lavender oil, rosemary oil, chamomile oil and purcellin oil, which changes the formulation’s overall consistency, making it light and non-greasy
    Bio-Oil gets easily absorbed into the skin
    Bio-Oil is a specialist skincare oil that helps improve the appearance of scars, stretch marks and uneven skin tone
    Boil oil skin care specialist is also recommended for ageing skin and dehydrated skin
    Bio-Oil has won 349 skincare awards and has become the number 1 selling scar and stretch mark product in 24 countries since its global launch in 2002
    Ideal for all skin types

    Bio Oil 200ml

  • Bio Oil 60ml

    Bio-Oil is an exceptionally popular and well-documented product recommended by skincare experts the world over. Its unique composition can be used on the face and body alike as a powerful combatant of stretch marks and uneven skin tone. In addition, delivering of rich and intense moisture helps reduce signs of ageing.


    Non Greasy oil with revolutionary ingredients which is easily absorbed by the skin and presents a wide range of significant health and beauty benefits.
    Suitable for sensitive skin
    No preservatives

    Recommended for:

    Scars – Helps reduce the appearance of both new and old scars by improving the condition of skin with scar tissue.
    Pregnancy – Helps prevent stretch marks during periods of rapid change in body size such as pregnancy, adolescence and weight loss.
    Stretch Marks – Helps reduce the appearance of existing stretch marks.
    Uneven Skin Tone – Helps reduce the appearance of pigmentation marks and blemishes.
    Aging Skin – Helps smooth and tone sagging and wrinkled skin by helping to improve the skin’s elasticity.
    Dehydrated Skin – Helps protect against the drying effects of water and climate; lubricates and soothes dry or chapped skin.
    Daily Skincare – Specialist intensive moisturizer.
    Soothing after – sun treatment Ideal as a bath oil.

    Breakthrough ingredients:

    PurCellin Oil
    Vitamins A and E
    Calendula, Lavender and Rosemary oils
    Chamomile extract


    See enclosed leaflet. Store in a cool place away from direct sunlight.


    For External Use Only. Do not ingest. Do not use on broken skin. If signs of skin irritation occur discontinue use.

    Bio Oil 60ml

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